peeks at the world through my lens

Posts tagged “Zermatt

Valaise Blacknose Sheep

Valaise Blacknose Sheep in front of the Matterhorn in Zermatt, Switzerland

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Two Swiss Couples Beneath the Matterhorn, Zermatt, Switzerland

Switzerland has the second highest life expectancy in the world, and living here, I never wonder why!

Matterhorn Over Stellisee

This shot of the epically beautiful Matterhorn was taken while hiking the 5-Seenweg (Five Lakes Hike), which offers 5 stunning lake views of the alps and is a true Swiss classic.



Matterhorn Sunrise Over The Gorner Glacier


Sunrise warms the majestic Matterhorn (4,478 meters /14,692 ft) over the Gorner Glacier, the second-longest glacier in the Alps. This is the view that rewards you after completing the arduous trek over the glacier to the new Monte Rosa hut. I took this picture in 2010 after having made the trek to the hut with my wife and father.