peeks at the world through my lens


I was very surprised and flattered to have been nominated for the Kreativ Blogger Award, especially since I am still so very new to blogging. Very special thanks to Becoming Madame for the nomination! She, like myself, is an Expat living in Europe, but unlike myself, is a fabulous writer whose blog chronicles her journey into a new life while living in Paris. Please check it out.

The rules of the Kreativ Blogger Award are that I need to share ten things about myself and pick 6 other bloggers to receive the award.

About Me:

1. I have loved mayonnaise on french fries since I was a kid living in Holland.

2. I sneeze 6 times (+/- 1) every time I walk outdoors  into the bright sun.

3. I have never broken a bone, even after falling out of a bus window as a kid (as it was moving) and landing on the street.

4. I wish I was a better writer.

5. I hate mean people. Life is too short.

6. I don’t own a car.

7. If I was a pro athlete I’d be a (clean) pro cyclist.

8. Its not laziness, its procrastination!

9. My favorite musician is Elvis Costello

10. I love my wife.

Six bloggers I admire and would like to nominate:

Photographychronicles.  Photographer from Romania who did a nice job chronicling a photography course.

Loniduekart. Painter from Argentina whose work just makes you happy looking at it!

Lindsaymariko. Videographer at Pacific Northwest Ballet, currently making waves with her toes in photography.

Justinbettman. Great portraits and  Studio, with a sprinkling of behind-the-scenes….

Darkhalide. Great shots. Lots of Street photography. Great “How stuff was done” section.

Younglesonphotoblog. Fabulous HDR images.

Russianmomcooks. Because all of her stuff looks so delicious and I have promised myself to cook a few for my family!

11 responses

  1. Thank you so so much
    I’ emotional now !!!
    I ‘ll accept it it will be a pleasure 🙂
    Ps I dont have a lot of wi fi access here in Uruguay now
    we’ll be here a couple of weeks and go back to Florida
    I’ll nominate and tell about myself more

    February 12, 2012 at 3:33 pm

  2. Wow awesome 🙂 I’m honoured 🙂

    February 13, 2012 at 7:59 am

  3. Congratulations on the award! And I’m really honored about your nomination!!!

    February 13, 2012 at 5:53 pm

    • But mayo with french fries! Really? 😛 😉

      February 13, 2012 at 5:54 pm

      • But of course! It was all the culinary rage in Holland. Very popular here in Switzerland too. My daughters LOVE it as well..makes me so proud ( i think)… 😉

        February 15, 2012 at 10:08 am

  4. Thank you so much for this kind gesture! I appreciate it more than you know; but more importantly, I appreciate your continued support and visits to my blog.

    February 19, 2012 at 2:14 pm

  5. I thought you were raised in the States 😀

    November 15, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    • I was, but I lived in Holland for a few years as a kid (if that is what you are referring to). That experience is what provided the impetus for me to move back to Europe when I had a family. We currently live in Zurich and love it!

      November 15, 2013 at 1:02 pm

      • I know Zurich only from the airport, but Switzerland is a good country to be living.

        November 15, 2013 at 1:04 pm

  6. Ruth Fitzgerald

    Dear blogger, thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. I was wondering if I may have your permission to use the two pictures of the spanish synagogue you posted to include in an album cover I am working on? Let me know how I could attribute your name. I look forward to a swift response!

    February 25, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    • Hi Ruth.. I am not against sharing my photos but before I do could you give me a little more detail as to what your project is all about? Thanks for visiting, I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at

      March 4, 2016 at 4:40 pm

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