peeks at the world through my lens


Motherland Tour II/ Czech Republic



First Post of 2015!! Happy New Year !

First of all, I have been delinquent in posting because of the painful switch I am currently making from Aperture to Photoshop. I think that it is time to take the plunge, now that Aperature will no longer be supported. So Photoshop has had a strangle hold on all my “photo time”….so I may now just try to throw lots of pics and less text up on posts just to get them out.

But I digress….

As mentioned in my prior Motherland Tour Sicily series, I am an American expat currently living with my family in Switzerland.  One of my goals while we are living in Europe is to bring my children to visit the places where their ancestors were born.  Recently I had the opportunity to visit the Czech Republic with my family to visit the homelands of my children’s Great-Great Grandparents. The trip was especially  exceptional because my father was able to join us from the United States on our journey, a journey that he and my mother had taken ME and MY siblings on in the mid 1970’s (then known as Czechoslovakia, behind the “Iron Curtain”) when I was a boy.

First stop..Valasske Klobouky…where a surprise party of extended (way extended) family awaited us on arrival! Some of these people I had met 37 years ago!!!

Introductions and beginnings…

Welcome to LIGHTBOX3d, my new photo blog. I am new to photo-blogging, so please excuse the rough edges at first as I learn  my way around.

I have been interested in photography for years, and had some general introduction into photography in college. I took a few photo and film classes back in the 35mm and darkroom days, but have not done much with it since then, and that was a LONG time ago. A few years ago I followed a friends lead into the digital SLR world with a new Nikon D90. Since then I have really developed a passion for the field, often at the expense of my VERY patient wife and kids!

I have gained most of my “new school” education online, thanks to the many wonderful and talented photographers who take the time to post , write, discuss, and simply educate those like myself who are hungry for information. Many thanks to all of you. While I don’t have a specific “Mission” for this blog, my intent is to explore my passion for photography mostly by posting images and surfing your sites to learn from the online community. Maybe even “contribute” to the online world  by answering any questions from those that have not stumbled into the darkroom as far as I have.

So with this post my blog is now up and running. Thanks for visiting, come back soon, post comments, help me learn…and go take some pics!


p.s.  Header photo: Winter on Lake Vattern. f/16, 2 min, ISO 200, 48 mm. Converted to B&W w Silver Efex Pro, retouched in Aperture.