peeks at the world through my lens


Erongo Mountains, Namibia D5


Day 5 in Namibia found us setting out at sunrise on a hike through the Erongo plains to visit Phillipps Cave, a shallow cave hidden in the steep granite cliffs of the Erongo mountains. The cave, which is a national heritage site, is famous for it’s cave paintings by the nomadic San People (Bushman), which include hunting scenes, antelopes, giraffes, rhinos, ostriches, antelope, springbuck, kudus, zebra, the famous white elephant, and 6 imprints of human hands. Some of the paintings date back to approximately 3368 BC. As always, click to enlarge.


Sunrise Hike to the Cave







Man Hunting Ostrich



White Elephant

White Elephant.


Men Standing in Cave


Man Sitting in Cave


Family Sitting in Cave


View from Phillipps Cave


Stone tools dating to 3500 years BC,


View from Phillipps Cave


Bearded Dragon protecting the cave


Ants drying their grass seed harvest, a morning ritual.




Greater Kudu

Female Greater Kudu welcoming us on our return to camp





Tinkas Plains to Erongo Mountains, Namibia D4

Day 4 in Namibia had us setting out from our first wild campsite in the Tinkas Plains and driving to the Erongo Mountains. Throughout the day we were treated to extraordinarily beautiful landscapes and the most amazing wildlife. As always, click to enlarge.


Breakfast in Tinkas Plains


Three generations welcoming the morning sun


On the road again



Rock formations in the Erongo Plains


Quiver Tree, a succulent plant indigenous to Southern Africa, get its name from the San people practice of hollowing out the tubular branches to make quivers for their arrows. Quiver tree numbers are in decline as a result of climate change.


The dried leaves also make for great Commedia dell’Arte masks




Springbok herd


Shieldback Katydid. These pests covered almost every bit of foliage and fencepost throughout all of the Tinkas and Erongo plains.


Safari Guide wannabe


Sascha with his new friend which he narrowly avoided while driving down the road



monitor lizard

This massive monitor lizard strolled across the road an hid from us in this tree. Our guide Sascha says that this was one of the largest monitor lizards that he had ever seen.



Tinkas to Erongo

Puff Ader in Tinkas Plains, Namibia

Puff Ader

Look who came to camp this morning to wish us well on the next leg of our journey! A cute little ol’ Puff Ader, a card carrying member of the venomous viper snake species which is considered responsible for the majority of snakebite fatalities in Africa.

Lonesome Mist

Lonesome mistLonesome mist at dusk



NYC, Shayna 17 Birthday

Preparing Lanzhou-style hand-pulled noodles in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of New York City.


Obergefell v. Hodges

On April 28, 2015, the US Supreme Court heard arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges over whether gay marriage was guaranteed by the Constitution, and whether or not gay marriages legalized in other states must be recognized in states which ban the practice. The Court subsequently ruled that gay marriage is a constitutional right, making it legal in all 50 states, and that all existing bans are invalid. Here are just a few of the demonstrators who rallied in front of the Supreme Court as it heard these historic argument.



Humans of London


London Tower – 2015

Humans of London


London Tower – 2015

Humans of London


London Tower – 2015

Humans of London


London Tower – 2015

Humans of London Tower

Human leather bookLondon Tower – 2015

Finishing of my London series with a short “Humans of London Tower” set.