peeks at the world through my lens

Posts tagged “solitude

Beach Umbrellas

Beach Umbrellas

Early Morning Beach in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria

Swiss Winter Solitude & New Camera!


Swiss Winter Solitude on the Wanderwegs

Finally! Like any self-respecting photographer (not) worth their weight in salt, I am about a year behind in posting my photographs. Today, however, marks a special day for me. I have finally caught up to the point where I post my FIRST PHOTO from my new camera (new Xmas 2016), a Sony A7R II. Today I officially retire postings from my Nikon D90 camera, a 12.3 MP camera that was my first DSLR camera, a trusty travel companion throughout Europe for the last 7 years, and a wonderful introduction into the world of digital imaging.

This is a shot taken last winter on the Glarnerweisweg, one of the many wanderwegs (trails) immediately behind my home. The Swiss are passionate about the outdoors and take their hiking seriously. Not only are there more than 62,400 km (38,800 mi) of marked hiking trails in this small country (roughly the size of West Virginia), but it seems that no matter where you are in any Swiss city or suburb, you are ALWAYS only a stones throw away from beautiful trails and open space.